The Pool Near Southside
The Pool Near Southside Arts Space
Located at the ground floor of Everly Plaza apartments
1801 8th Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76110
Fort Worth’s Near Southside Cultural District managed by sister non-profit organizations Near Southside, Inc. and Near Southside Arts manages the 2,400 square foot Near Southside community art space, The Pool, located at 1801 8th Avenue at the ground floor of the Everly Plaza. The Pool is a unique partnership between Everly Plaza property owners, Saigebrook Development and O-SDA Industries, and Near Southside, Inc.
Managed by Near Southside Arts, The Pool is drawn from the Near Southside’s culture of “rebellious creativity” and serves as a welcoming, adaptable space dedicated to local artists; a space swimming with talent where established artists can make a splash as they debut exploratory works that expand their practice and emerging artists can dip a toe in the water as they explore and establish themselves in Fort Worth’s art scene. The Pool partners with local non-profit arts organizations, individual artists and artist collectives to offer affordable and accessible community art space for group shows, professional workshops, and community engagement. In addition, artists across all media are encouraged to envision the space for their personal exhibitions and invited to work closely with the Near Southside Arts staff to plan events and programming at The Pool.
The Pool, a Near Southside Arts Space, invites exhibition proposals from INDIVIDUAL ARTISTS, ARTIST COLLECTIVES, CURATORS and ARTS PROGRAMMING LEADERS interested in displaying artwork in the gallery. The Pool's Proposal Application a rolling application and proposals will be reviewed as they are submitted.
WE'RE READY TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have visited us at The Pool and thought to yourself (or mentioned to us) that you'd like to be involved - the time has come.We have built a FREE application for individual artists, artist collectives, curators, and those proposing arts programming (like a demonstration, live performance, film screening or continuing education for artists) to The Pool, a Near Southside Arts Space.
- Exhibition Summary (doc or pdf)
- A curator, artist, or artist collective statement
- Resume/CV (doc or pdf)
- Artist/Curator Headshot OR Artist Collective Logo
- Up to 10 images of artworks (format all file names as
- Two professional references (Name, email address, and cell phone)
- Preferred length of gallery use
- Requested dates of gallery use (not required)
The Pool: A Near Southside Arts Space
Megan Henderson
Natalie Atkinson