Community Events

Community Events
Near Southside, Inc. partners with local businesses, residents, musicians and artists to sponsor exciting community events that draw thousands to the district. Each year Near Southside, Inc. presents four signature events and assists in the production and planning of many others. These events each offer a unique perspective of the talent, passion and investment within the district. ArtsGoggle showcases the various talents of our creative community and the generosity of our business community. Friday on the Green puts a spotlight on the live music the district has long been known for complimented by handcrafted offerings from our food trucks and market vendors. Open Streets embraces the benefits of the Near Southside's walkable urban environment, our complete streets initiatives and the importance of health and wellness efforts throughout Fort Worth. PARK(ing) Day is a global community effort to transform parking spaces into valuable public spaces. Most importantly, each event allows the Near Southside community the chance to engage with each other along our streets, sidewalks, and green spaces building an even stronger neighborhood tapestry.